New Delhi. Famous music video producer Ratan Lal Jain has announced another big project. He is going to launch a new music track in collaboration with American rapper Gucci Mane. This announcement was made during a press conference held on 16 September in Mumbai. Ratan Lal Jain said that this project will be a unique blend of Haryanvi music and American rap.
Ratan Lal Jain has earlier found success with songs like ‘Fakir’ and ‘Paig Bana De’. This time he is preparing to present something new and extraordinary to the listeners. He says, ‘We always try to do something new. This time we are creating a unique tune by combining Haryanvi music with Gucci Mane, which has never been heard before.’
Rattan Lal Jain’s aim behind the creation of this song is to erase the boundaries of international and regional music. This confluence of English rap and Haryanvi folk music will bring a new experience to music lovers. It will be interesting to see what impact this fusion leaves on the listeners, especially when both the music genres are known for their own identity.
Ratan Lal Jain is very excited about this project. His music label Bajaogana was launched on 18 August 2023. ‘Bajaogana’ has already worked with Bhojpuri and Haryanvi music and now through this new project, it is adding American rap to its music portfolio.
Although the release date and title of the song have not been made public yet, Ratan Lal Jain believes that the song will be successful in giving something new and fun to the listeners. Such experimental projects are rare in the music industry, and it will be interesting to see how this combination of Gucci Mane and Haryanvi tune leaves an impression on the hearts of the listeners.
Tags: Bollywood News, Entertainment news.
FIRST PUBLISHED : September 18, 2024, 11:59 IST