New Delhi: The deep friendship between Bollywood megastars Shah Rukh Khan and Karan Johar was seen on the stage of IIFA Awards, when both of them hosted the function with actor Vicky Kaushal. During one of the sets, Karan Johar and Shahrukh Khan started having a fun conversation on the topic of retirement. There is a good friendship between the two. Shahrukh Khan was wearing a black tuxedo and white shirt.
King Khan said, ‘The biggest thing about legends is that they know when to stop, when to retire. Like the great Sachin Tendulkar, like footballer Sunil Chhetri, like the great tennis player Roger Federer, they all know when to retire. I think now the time has come that you should also retire. Please go back. thank you so much.’
Mentioned Mahendra Singh Dhoni
Karan responded by saying, ‘If this is the scale, then why don’t you retire?’ Shahrukh Khan replied within a few seconds, ‘Dhoni and I are from different leagues of legends, we keep appearing in the IPL despite being told ‘no’ many times.’ During this, Vicky Kaushal, sitting among the audience, said, ‘Retirement is for veterans. Kings are forever.
Vicky Kaushal supported Shahrukh Khan
In a dilemma, Karan Johar looked around and asked, ‘Who said this?’ Who said this?’ Vicky raised his hand and called Karan and said, ‘Sir, it is me.’ Shahrukh further said, ‘Whatever he said was very good.’ Shahrukh, Karan Johar and Vicky rocked the IIFA stage in Abu Dhabi. All three also danced on the song ‘Jhoome Jo Pathan’ from Shahrukh starrer film ‘Pathan’.
Tags: shahrukh khan
FIRST PUBLISHED: September 30, 2024, 02:45 IST