New Delhi. Mithun Chakraborty’s name was announced for the Dadasaheb Phalke Award, India’s highest honor in cinema. The veteran actress has worked in more than 350 films in many Indian languages in a career spanning almost five decades. But films like ‘Disco Dancer’, ‘Kasam Padana Wale Ki’ and ‘Dance Dance’ gave him a lot of stardom. In olden times, every director wanted to work with Mithun. It was believed that a film starring Mithun was guaranteed to be a hit. But do you know that after winning his first National Award, the ‘Dada’ of Bollywood was overwhelmed with pride. Then the actor himself has revealed how he became a grassroots star.
Mithun Chakraborty recently talked about his journey in the film industry. He recalled his early struggles in the film industry, from sleeping on the footpaths of Mumbai. Recently, in a conversation with our associate website News18, the actor expressed his gratitude for receiving the Dadasaheb Phalke Award. He told how his experiences taught him the importance of staying grounded.
Won the first National Award for ‘Mrigaya’
In the conversation, Bollywood’s ‘Disco Dancer’ told that in 1976, he entered the world of acting with ‘Mrigaya’. Before this he did not know anyone in the industry. He made his mark on the basis of his work. Mithun Da told that he had become arrogant after receiving the National Award for the first film of his career, ‘Mrigaya’.
When said producer said- ‘Get out’, then…
Mithun Chakraborty shared how pride had taken over from winning a National Award early in his career. He said that after winning the prestigious award, he started feeling as if he was the greatest actor. He recalled, ‘After Mrigaya, I got my first National Award. I started acting like Al Pacino. It seemed as if I was the greatest actor. When my attitude changed, the producer saw and said ‘Get out’. Then I realized my mistake.
Why don’t you write your autobiography
Recalling his difficult initial days, Mithun Chakraborty said that this journey was very difficult. He said that people have suggested him to write a biography, but he believes that his story may discourage rather than inspire. He said, ‘This journey was very difficult. Many people ask me why I don’t write autobiography. I say no… because my story will not inspire people, it will weaken them morally. It will break the courage of young boys who struggle. It’s so hard, so painful, so painful. I came from a dark alley in Kolkata and Mumbai was also very difficult. Some days I did not get food and sometimes I slept on the footpath.
Winning the biggest prize like…
He further said, ‘For that boy to win the biggest award in films, I still can’t digest it. Still haven’t regained consciousness… such a big prize. I can’t even cry with happiness.
Tags: Mithun Chakraborty
FIRST PUBLISHED: October 3, 2024, 10:54 IST