New DelhiBollywood’s Raja Babu Govinda was shot in the leg last Tuesday, after which he was immediately admitted to the hospital. The actor was accidentally shot with a revolver. Doctors removed the bullet from the actor’s leg and now his condition is much improved. Govinda’s wife Sunita Ahuja, while giving the actor’s health update, told when he will be discharged from the hospital.
‘Raja Babu’ Govinda’s wife was not in Mumbai when he was shot. Sunita Ahuja immediately came to Mumbai after hearing the news of her husband being shot. While talking to the media, the actor’s wife said that they are ready to take the actor home today, but they will do only what the doctor says.
Sunita Ahuja gave update
While talking to the media, Govinda’s wife said that Govinda’s condition is improving and he is being taken better care of. Sunita Ahuja also told that she will soon be discharged from the hospital.
She further says, ‘Today is the first day of Navratri. I have come from home after performing puja. Govinda is always laughing and he will come out laughing soon. You guys too don’t worry too much. Today I have come to worship for Govinda on the first day of Navratri.
What was the matter?
It is noteworthy that Govinda was cleaning his gun on Tuesday morning. Govinda got shot in an accident while cleaning. According to media reports, a small part of the lock of his gun was broken, due to which the bullet was fired by mistake. According to sources, the actor was about to go to Kolkata, but before that he thought of cleaning his gun, but this accident happened due to the lock of the gun getting broken. At the time of the incident, 6 bullets were loaded in the gun.
Tags: Entertainment news., Govinda
FIRST PUBLISHED: October 3, 2024, 13:44 IST