Arjun Kapoor Disease News: Bollywood actor Arjun Kapoor has recently revealed that he is suffering from Hashimoto’s Disease. He came to know about this disease when he went to a doctor because he was facing extreme fatigue, weight gain and other problems. This disease is also badly affecting their mental health. He also told that his mother and sister also have this disease. Hashimoto is a name that most people do not know about. Ever since the actor has revealed the name of this disease, many people have been wanting to know about this disease. Today we will tell you what Hashimoto’s disease is and how health is affected by this disease.
of myoclinic Report according to Hashimoto’s disease is an autoimmune disease, which affects the thyroid gland. Thyroid is a butterfly-like gland, which is located in the lower part of the throat. Thyroid gland produces hormones that maintain the functioning of our body. In Hashimoto’s disease, the cells of the body’s immune system attack the healthy cells of the thyroid, due to which the production of thyroid hormone reduces. Due to this, there is deficiency of thyroid hormone in the body. Due to deficiency of thyroid, the condition of hypothyroidism arises. This disease is also called Hashimoto thyroiditis, chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis and chronic autoimmune thyroiditis.
What are the symptoms of Hashimoto’s disease?
In Hashimoto’s disease, there is a deficiency of thyroid hormone, which causes problems like extreme fatigue, weight gain, constipation, discomfort in cold temperatures, hair fall, skin dryness and muscle weakness. When people are affected by Hashimoto’s disease, they may also suffer from mental fatigue, depression and problem in concentrating. This disease can also cause swelling in the thyroid gland below the throat, which is called goiter. In some cases, due to Hashimoto’s disease, the heartbeat may slow down and blood pressure may also decrease.
Which people are more at risk?
This disease can happen to anyone, but it affects middle-aged women the most. People who have a family history of this disease also have a higher risk of Hashimoto’s disease. The symptoms of this disease develop slowly and are mild in the beginning. Because of this, it becomes difficult to detect this disease in the early stage. When people’s problems increase, then this disease can be detected. Hashimoto’s disease is detected through blood test, physical examination and family history. Its diagnosis is not easy.
What is the treatment for Hashimoto’s disease?
The best treatment for Hashimoto’s disease is thyroid hormone replacement therapy. In this, the doctor gives synthetic thyroid hormone to the patient. This hormone compensates for the deficiency of thyroid hormone in the body, due to which hypothyroidism can be controlled. With this treatment, the functioning of the thyroid becomes normal and other functions of the body function properly. The dose of hormones is checked from time to time and determined in the right quantity, so that the patient can get the right balance. Apart from this, treatment is done under doctor’s supervision to avoid any serious complications. Although Hashimoto’s disease cannot be completely cured by treatment, but by controlling it, one can live a problem-free life.
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Tags: Arjun Kapoor, health, trending news
FIRST PUBLISHED: November 9, 2024, 09:17 IST