New Delhi. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is once again busy with work amid rumors of divorce with Abhishek Bachchan. Recently, some of her pictures went viral and the ‘Devdas’ actress once again came into the limelight. Amidst the talks of rift with the Bachchan family, there are reports that he does not have a very good relationship with his sister-in-law i.e. Shrima Rai. Caught between relationships, Aish may not have talked about these matters, but it is true that due to her personal life, she is trending every day.
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan has a brother named Aditya Rai, his wife is Shrima Rai. There are rumors that Shrima Rai does not have a very good relationship with her sister-in-law i.e. Aishwarya. Some people believe that there are many problems between the two. This is because she never posts related to Aishwarya or her daughter Aaradhya Bachchan. Their love for each other was not visible on social media.
Actress’s sister-in-law broke her silence
Shrima keeps sharing pictures with her mother-in-law Vrinda and her family, but she never shares pictures with her sister-in-law Aishwarya and niece Aaradhya. After which speculations started being made that there is some rift between the two. Now the actress’s sister-in-law herself has broken her silence on this matter.
What did Shrima say?
Actually, Shrima had shared a post on Instagram, after which people made many comments on this post. One user wrote – I did not know earlier that she was Ash’s sister-in-law. To this, Shrima replied, ‘It’s good… I want people to know me by myself…’
This post is going viral.
people are saying mixed things
However, after this comment of Shrima, people are saying both types of things again. Someone is saying that relationships are bad, that’s why they said so. At the same time, some people are assuming that everything is fine between the two.
Who is Shrima Rai?
Let us tell you that Shrima is a beauty influencer, who is very active on social media. He has 132k followers on Insta. She is a beauty influencer. He also has his own YouTube channel. Shrima Rai was also crowned Mrs. India Globe in 2009 after coming second in the Mrs. India pageant. According to her Instagram bio, Shrima is also an ex-banker.
Tags: Aaradhya Bachchan, Aishwarya Rai
FIRST PUBLISHED: December 6, 2024, 10:39 IST