New Delhi. Bollywood star Varun Dhawan is in the news these days about his upcoming film ‘Baby John’. This movie is going to hit the theaters very soon. Meanwhile, Varun Dhawan mentioned the incident after which his entire life changed. He mentioned the death of his driver who was with him for 26 years. Varun Dhawan told that the death of driver Manoj had changed his outlook towards life.
During a conversation on Ranveer Allahabadia’s YouTube channel, Varun Dhawan told that he was living in a bubble for a long time. He thought that he understood life, but Manoj’s death had completely changed his thinking. He said, ‘Varun Dhawan before and after 35 years is different. I used to see myself in an idealistic way that I am a hero and I can do anything, because I literally play a hero on screen, but that day I felt like a failure.
The driver died in Varun’s arms
Varun Dhawan further said, ‘I was very close to Manoj (driver), who was my driver for many years. He suddenly left us. I gave CPR. We took him to Lilavati Hospital and reached on time. It felt as if we had saved someone’s life. But he passed away in my arms. It was very difficult to see how sudden and normal his death was.
Started reading religious texts
To overcome his grief, Varun Dhawan took the help of religious texts like ‘Ramayana’ and ‘Bhagavad Geeta’. He told, ‘I realized that as a human being you should move forward. These events shake you, but you cannot stop. I started reading Bhagavad Gita, Mahabharata and Ramayana, because I had many questions in my mind.
Tags: bollywood news, Entertainment news., Varun Dhawan
FIRST PUBLISHED: December 23, 2024, 15:24 IST