5 minutes agoAuthor: Shashank Shukla
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Nowadays Tension and misunderstandings are increasing in families. Sometimes disputes arise over small matters and due to these disputes, the emotional distance increases so much that we are unable to understand each other’s pain. Because of this tension arises in relationships.
In such circumstances, the peace of the entire family is snatched away and everyone lives in a stressful environment. People stop sharing things with each other. They keep their problems suppressed inside. This increases the problem further. We begin to feel that the love and understanding that used to be a part of life is diminishing.
We want that happiness to return to the family, which was once the hallmark of our relationships. May there be love and understanding between us. However, it is not easy.
So today we relationship I will know that-
- Why do distances arise in family relationships?
- How can we improve family relationships?
- How to build better relationships with the new generation children?
Why does tension increase in the family?
The main reasons for increasing tension in family relationships are lack of communication, lack of emotional connection and the habit of giving solutions and giving advice without listening. When family members do not listen to each other or do not share their emotions properly, distance arises in relationships.
Besides, past experience and lack of maturity also cause stress. Sometimes we try to understand each other in the old way even though during this time there has been a change in the thoughts and viewpoint of both of us. Relationships also weaken due to lack of love and respect. If we respect the needs and feelings of our family members and talk openly among ourselves, then family stress can be reduced and peace and harmony is maintained in relationships.
How to improve family relations?
To increase emotional closeness in family relationships, it is most important to take initiative.
If you take the initiative yourself, the family will see you as a positive example. It is also important to understand that having close relationships does not mean that everyone is the same. Every family member has his or her own needs and unique characteristics. To improve family relationships, you have to learn to listen, show empathy and provide emotional support to family members.
Besides, understanding the life of every member and accepting change also deepens the relationship. Showing love, accepting mistakes, and understanding each person’s emotional needs helps strengthen family relationships.
Respect the freedom of older children
The children of the house have now grown up. The sooner you accept this, the better the relationship between you two will be. It is important to understand that they need freedom and privacy. As they grow up, they develop their own identity, preferences and ideas. Therefore, show empathy and understanding while interacting with children.
Give them the right to take their own decisions and live life on their own terms. While doing any new work, take advice from the children of the house and respect their opinion. In changing times, children have a better understanding of new things.
You also have to be flexible in your hopes and expectations. There may be changes and challenges in the lives of children. You should try to understand their experiences. By becoming a companion in their life, you can give them the right guidance without trying to take decisions. Create an environment of open hearted talk with children, so that they can share their thoughts and emotions without any hesitation.
Improve long distance relationships
Everyone in the family has their own way of thinking and seeing things. Sometimes this creates distance in relationships, but there are some easy ways to improve it. First, we must develop understanding within ourselves. If we try to understand each other’s feelings, relationships remain better despite living at different places.
Many times family members live at different places. In such a situation, rapport reduces and distance is created in the relationship. In such a situation, spending time together once in a few months or a year also strengthens relationships. Maintain contact even through small things. Phone calls, messages and the gathering of the entire family on a festival or arranging a meeting deepens relationships.
Accept each other’s differences. People in families are not always alike, but this diversity is what makes relationships more special. Remember, relationships last only when we respect and understand each other.