Mumbai. The new trailer of Kangana Ranaut’s much awaited film ‘Emergency’ was released a day before. Along with this he confirmed that the film will be released at the box office on January 17. This film was earlier scheduled to be released on 6 September 2024, but after the release of the first trailer, there were protests against the film, so CBFC banned it. After cutting many scenes, it was given the green signal after three months. But it took almost 6 months for Kangana to finalize its release date.
It has not been able to make up its mind about a box office release in the last three months. He reportedly postponed the release of the film in view of several mega-budget films like ‘Singham Again’, ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3’ and ‘Pushpa 2’. Now many big films are going to be released on the occasion of Makar Sankranti, out of which ‘Game Changer’ is a mega budget pan India film. Sonu Sood’s ‘Fateh’ is also releasing on the same day.
Kangana Ranaut’s ‘Emergency’ will be released a week after ‘Game Changer’. But Kangana will not get much time at the box office. Because Akshay Kumar, Sara Ali Khan, Nimrat Kaur and Sara Ali Khan starrer Sky Force is releasing after just 6 days. Kangana’s ‘Emergency’ will have to face the film releasing on 26th January.
‘Sky Force’ will be released on January 24. (film poster)
Competition with Shahid Kapoor after Akshay Kumar
Even if ‘Emergency’ is able to compete with Akshay Kumar’s Sky Force, then next week it will have to compete with Shahid Kapoor’s ‘Deva’. Deva is an action thriller film, whose teaser is quite gripping.
Shahid Kapoor’s ‘Deva’ will be released on January 31. (film poster)
Kangana Ranaut only has 6 days
Shahid’s powerful style has been seen in this. Overall, Kangana will get a chance to rule the box office solo only for 6 days. ‘Emergency’ has been directed by Kangana herself and is made under the banner of her production house Manikarnika Films.
Tags: Akshay kumar, Kangana Ranaut, shahid kapoor
FIRST PUBLISHED: January 8, 2025, 04:01 IST