Ex winner shilpa shinde video viral said Bigg boss 18 makers already decide winner of show. Winners are already decided in Bigg Boss!: Ex-winner Shilpa Shinde revealed, said – the audience is fooled

Ex winner shilpa shinde video viral said Bigg boss 18 makers already decide winner of show. Winners are already decided in Bigg Boss!: Ex-winner Shilpa Shinde revealed, said – the audience is fooled
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The controversial TV show Bigg Boss-18 continues to be in the headlines. Now the show is slowly moving towards its finale. Meanwhile, a video of TV actress and Bigg Boss Season 11 winner Shilpa Shinde is going viral, in which she has accused the makers of the show of fooling the audience.

In this viral video, Shilpa Shinde is seen saying, ‘I don’t know but some people have come to know that only the makers decide the winners. They make it themselves, bring it from home and show it. Now whatever strategy the makers have of the channel, people have come to know about it, hence people are not watching the show much anymore because you can fool someone to some extent.

Users are also commenting heavily on Shilpa’s video. One wrote, ‘It is true.’, the other wrote, ‘This means that the makers made you the winner, she did not deserve it that much.’, the third wrote, Yes because Hina deserved the show.

Shilpa Shinde has won Bigg Boss 11 There was a tough competition between Shilpa Shinde and Hina Khan in Bigg Boss Season 11, but Shilpa Shinde won the trophy. However, at that time many people on social media believed that Hina Khan deserved to win the trophy. Let us tell you that the grand finale of Bigg Boss 18 will be held on January 19.

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