User Abhishek Yadav (@yabhishekhd) on Post The retail box price of OnePlus 13 was leaked via. Citing the source, Tipster said, the price in the box of 12GB + 256GB variant of the upcoming OnePlus flagship will be Rs 70,999. However, let us tell you that in almost all cases the actual price at which the smartphone is sold is less than the price written in the box. The tipster has further speculated that the selling price of the 12GB + 256GB variant of OnePlus 13 could be Rs 64,999.
The OnePlus 13 is expected to come in a base 12GB + 256GB storage variant in India along with a 16GB + 512GB configuration. Till now, no indication has been given by the company regarding the price of the upcoming phone.
Let us tell you that the base variant of OnePlus 12 with 12GB + 256GB storage was launched in India for Rs 64,999 and the 16GB + 512GB variant was launched in India for Rs 69,999. If the latest leak is true, then it is believed that the company is preparing to launch its latest flagship at the same price.
OnePlus 13 is slated to launch in India with similar specifications as in China, but the OnePlus 13R will reportedly make its way to India with some changed hardware compared to the OnePlus Ace 5. The Amazon microsite of OnePlus 13R suggests that the phone will come with a 6000mAh battery instead of the 6400mAh battery present in the Ace 5. The same capacity is also available in OnePlus 13.