Report According to, the Geekbench database has confirmed that the Snapdragon 8 Elite processor will be provided in the device with model number 24122RKC7C. In this case, it could be Redmi K80 Pro smartphone. The listing also reveals that the phone will have 16 GB RAM and runs on Android 15 operating system. The company has already said that the device has achieved 30 lakh score in AnTuTu benchmark.
Talking about other features, 2K Huaxing LTPS display can be given in Redmi K80 Pro. The design is said to remain flat. There will be a 50MP main sensor in the rear of the phone along with a 32MP ISOCELL KD1 ultrawide lens. 50MP ISCOELL JN5 telephoto lens can be seen as the third sensor. The phone will come with a 20MP sensor on the front for selfies.
The phone can support 120W fast charging with a 6000mAh battery. It may also have support for 50W wireless charging. It will be equipped with IP68 rating including ultrasonic fingerprint scanner.
At the same time, Redmi K80 is likely to have Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chipset. The phone will be equipped with a Huaxing LTPS panel with 2K resolution. The phone will have a flat design. It will have a 50MP Omnivision OV50 main sensor in the rear. Along with this, 8MP ultrawide camera and 2MP macro lens can be seen. It will be equipped with a 20MP sensor on the front. The phone may come with a 6500mAh battery with 90W fast charging. Redmi K80 will have the security of ultrasonic fingerprint sensor.
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