Tomato Nicotine; Tamatar Benefits Side Effects Explained | Sehatnama- Does eating tomatoes increase the craving for cigarettes: Know the facts, what is the connection with heart health, know the answer to every question from the doctor.

Tomato Nicotine; Tamatar Benefits Side Effects Explained | Sehatnama- Does eating tomatoes increase the craving for cigarettes: Know the facts, what is the connection with heart health, know the answer to every question from the doctor.
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7 minutes agoAuthor: Gaurav Tiwari

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Internet And it is being claimed on social media that tomatoes contain nicotine. If you are quitting smoking then you should not eat tomatoes during this period because it triggers smoking.

The first question is, do tomatoes really contain nicotine? The answer is yes. Many vegetables like potatoes, tomatoes and brinjals contain nicotine. However, its quantity is so small that it is difficult, if not impossible, to trigger a craving to smoke.

So far, no scientific study has revealed that eating tomatoes can trigger smoke cravings. 100 grams of tomato contains nicotine equal to 10 thousandth of the nicotine present in a cigarette.

Apart from these misleading facts, tomato is a very beneficial vegetable. so today ‘medical certificate‘I will talk about tomatoes. You will also learn that-

  • What is its nutritional value?
  • The risk of which diseases is reduced by this?
  • How beneficial is it to eat tomatoes?
  • Who should not eat tomatoes?

There are many benefits of eating tomatoes

Tomatoes contain powerful antioxidants like lycopene and lutein. The nutrients present in it reduce the risk of neurodegenerative disease, type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Nutritional value of tomato

Tomato contains about 95% water. The remaining 5% consists mainly of carbohydrates and fiber. It also contains sugar, protein and fat. See its nutritional value graphic:

Tomatoes contain amazing vitamins and minerals

Tomato is rich in Vitamin A and C. It also contains minerals like potassium, calcium and phosphorus. See all its vitamins and minerals in the graphic:

10 big benefits of eating a tomato every day

Nutritionist Dr. Amrita Mishra says that eating one tomato daily can have many benefits. Apart from this, it keeps our body hydrated in winter. Strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of serious diseases like cancer. What are the other benefits of eating tomatoes, see in the graphic:

Let us understand some of its benefits in detail:

Strengthens the immune system

Lycopene present in tomatoes strengthens the immune system by fighting free radicals. This is why tomatoes rich in lycopene can reduce the risk of lung, stomach or prostate cancer. According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine, tomatoes can reduce the risk of pancreas, colon, throat, mouth and breast cancer.

Improves heart health

Lycopene present in tomato helps in reducing the level of LDL i.e. bad cholesterol and also helps in reducing blood pressure. This can reduce the risk of heart disease. Vitamin B and E and antioxidant flavonoids present in tomatoes also improve heart health.

Protects eyes from blue light

Tomatoes contain compounds called lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect your eyes from blue light from digital devices like smartphones and computers.

Tomato prevents lung damage

Tomato can prevent asthma and respiratory diseases. Can protect from emphysema. This is a condition in which the lungs gradually start getting damaged. Antioxidants like lycopene, lutein and zeaxanthin present in tomatoes protect the lungs by fighting smoke and other harmful substances.

prevents stroke

If tomatoes are included in the diet daily, the chances of stroke can be reduced. According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine, eating tomatoes can reduce inflammation. It strengthens immunity, can reduce cholesterol level and can prevent blood clotting. All these things can help prevent stroke.

Beneficial for oral health

According to a study in the National Library of Medicine, lycopene protects against gum inflammation and disease. However, eating too many raw tomatoes can cause damage to tooth enamel due to the acid present in it. Brushing your teeth immediately after eating tomatoes can cause further harm. If you have to brush, wait at least 30 minutes after eating tomatoes.

Prevents skin damage

People use hats or sunscreen to protect themselves from the sun. The way lycopene present in tomatoes protects tomatoes from ultraviolet rays. Similarly, it also protects our skin. Apart from this, it also protects the cells inside the skin from getting damaged.

Some common questions and answers related to eating tomatoes

Question: How many tomatoes can I eat in a day?

answer: It is safe to eat one or two tomatoes every day. With this the body gets all the essential nutrients. Eating too many tomatoes can cause burning sensation and pain in the stomach. Blood sugar may decrease. Therefore, eat tomatoes only in limit.

Question: Is it better to eat tomatoes raw or cooked?

answer: It is beneficial to eat tomatoes both raw and cooked. Cooking it does not make much difference to its nutritional value. However, when tomatoes are cooked, the important antioxidants like lycopene present in them are easier for the body to absorb.

Question: What are the side effects of eating tomatoes?

answer: Eating too many tomatoes can cause acid reflux or diarrhea. If you eat too many tomatoes daily for a long time, you may develop kidney stones. Some people may also have allergic reactions to tomatoes. If someone gets skin rashes or sees any problem after eating tomatoes, then tomatoes should not be eaten.

Question: Who should not eat tomatoes?

answer: These people should not eat tomatoes or should consult a doctor before eating them –

  • Those who have kidney stones.
  • Those who have acidity or heartburn problem.
  • Those who have gas problem.
  • Those who have skin allergies.
  • Those who have joint pain.
  • Those who have diarrhea.

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