7 minutes agoAuthor: Gaurav Tiwari
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Bad lifestyle and poor food directly affect our health. Especially on Gaul bladder, which is also called gall bladder in Hindi. Gaul bladder is a small part sitting under our most precious organ liver, which makes bile. It helps in digesting fat. It is small in size, but does great work in the body.
If this gall bladder does not work properly, there is stone in it, then its entire function deteriorates. When stones occur, unbearable pain arises on the right side of the stomach, then doctors recommend it to take it out of the body by surgery.
In the language of medicine, gall bladder removal surgery is called cholecystectomy. According to Global Data.com, a total of 32,90,339 Gaul bladder surgery was performed in India in the year 2022.
Today ‘Sehthanama‘I will know why stone disease is growing in gall bladder. Will also know that-
- How safe is Gaul Bladder Surgery?
- Are there any side effects of gaul bladder surgery?
- What precautions should be taken after surgery and what should be a diet plan?
What does gall bladder work in the body
Gaul bladder, also known as the gallbladder, is on the right side of our stomach. Its job is to make bile (bile juice). It helps to digest body fat. Bile juice converts the fat present in our food into fatty acids, and removes toxic (toxic) substances.
If there is a stone in the gall bladder, it affects our digestion. Food is difficult to digest.

If you feel any symptoms given in graphic, then get it checked. Doctors may also recommend removing the gall bladder if the situation worsened.
Can there be side effects after Gaul Bladder Surgery?
Whenever there is a surgery, there is a possibility of some competition in the body, such as bleeding, pain, infection, swelling, etc. On the other hand, if we talk about gaul bladder surgery, then there is no major competition in it, but some digestive side effects can definitely be seen.
Understand this through graphic-

Know the side effects given in graphic in detail below-
Diarrhea and flatulence
Gaul bladder may cause diarrhea or flatulence after surgery. Because when the gall bladder is removed from our body, it is not able to store the bile, then it slowly reaches into the small intestines and goes there in large quantities. Due to overloading, the small intestine draws excess water and salt from our body, due to which there can be problems like diarrhea.
Constipation can usually occur after gaul bladder surgery. The patient is given anesthesia before surgery, after which some patients may complain of constipation. But it is not necessary to everyone.
Digestion of fat
After the operation of the gall bladder, our body is unable to digest fat. He has to face many problems to digest it. When gaul bladder surgery is performed, the patient is given several medicine to avoid external or internal infections such as antacid, anti -inflammation, painkiller, etc. Some patients may cause indigestion problems with these medicines. It usually does not last long.
If some pieces of stones accidentally remain in the bile duct (bile duct) during the gaul bladder operation, you can cause problems for the body. The result is fever and jaundice. However, it is seen only in 1-2 cases out of 10.
Blood clotting
After gall bladder surgery, some patients have a blood clot problem. When the blood becomes thick, blood clots begin to form. It affects blood circulation in our body, due to which the blood does not reach the main organs of our body.
Post Cholecystectomy Syndrome
Post cholecystomy syndrome (PCS) is one of the stomach symptoms that occur after the colisisthestomy. PCs may be caused by bile curbing or stones in the abdomen. Because of which you may have abdominal pain, constipation or diarrhea. This side effect is seen more in women than men.

Keep this diet plan after Gaul bladder surgery
After the Gaul bladder surgery, doctors recommend patients to change their diet plan. In the graphic, see what the diet plan should be after the operation of the gall bladder-

You can improve your lifestyle by making some changes in the routine after Gaul bladder surgery. For this you can follow these steps-
Include low fat food diet
Fat present in food after surgery is difficult to digest, so instead of fried foods, boiled, baked or light food, steam cooked or grilled food in your diet.
Regular exercise
It is very important to include regular exercises in your routine. After surgery, start doing exercise, yoga or pranayam gradually with the advice of a doctor.
Acupuncture after surgery of gall bladder can reduce cramps and pain. It is very important to keep in mind that good diet and exercise are easy ways to reduce gall bladder problems.
Soluble fiber
Soluble fiber food, which is easily dissolved in water and is easy to digest such as eating oats, apples, linseed seeds, porridge.
Ask chili spices and fried food ‘no’
Do not eat chilli masala and fried food at all after surgery because they are difficult to digest after leaving the gall bladder. Fried food can also be harmful for your health.
Avoid caffeine
Drinking caffeine such as tea or coffee can also harm health. Also, milk or any other dairy products can also cause acidity and poor digestion. So avoid them.
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