WhatsApp’s iOS users will also now start seeing blue badges for verified channels. WABetaInfo of Report According to, WhatsApp is now going to bring verified businesses and channels in blue tick like other platforms of Meta. So that verified channels appear in the same color on all platforms of Meta. This will deepen the authenticity of the channel in the eyes of the users, and users will not get confused with badges of different colors.
Users on WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram will be able to instantly identify verified accounts. Some users can check this feature by downloading the latest version of WhatsApp beta on iOS. It has not been released for all users yet. This feature is expected to reach all users in the coming weeks.
Talking about other important updates related to WhatsApp, soon the company is going to add a big feature to the platform regarding AI. WhatsApp for Android is reportedly testing a new feature for its recently added artificial intelligence chatbot, Meta AI. This feature will allow users to send voice messages to the chatbot. Meta AI is also said to be capable of responding to messages, although in text format. This feature is reportedly being released for a small group of beta testers. WhatsApp may roll it out to a larger userbase in the coming weeks.
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