New Delhi. 88-year-old Dharmendra has been ruling Bollywood for the last 5-6 decades. Actor-producer Dharmendra, famous as the Action King, started his career in the year 1960 with the film ‘Dil Bhi Tera Hum Bhi Tere’. He is among those Bollywood stars who have worked in many romantic films along with action. In the year 1966, he started being called the He-Man of Bollywood after the film ‘Ek Phool Aur Patthar’. Dharmendra was often in the news for his films as well as his personal life, first marriage and marriage with Hema Malini with four children, angry nature and excessive drinking. Dharmendra himself once broke his silence on the tag of ‘Bollywood’s biggest alcoholic’. He had said something, after which those who said so were left speechless.
Dharmendra, who has worked in 238 films, has given 7 blockbusters, 13 hits, 25 hits and 29 semi-hit films during his career. But even today, if he is remembered for any role, then that film is ‘Sholay’. This film, released in the year 1975, is one of the historical films of Hindi cinema. Who has forgotten his dialogue ‘Kud jaunga phaand jaunga’ under the influence of alcohol. People associated with the industry have been saying that he has been fond of drinking alcohol. People also called him ‘piyakkar’ and ‘Bollywood’s biggest alcoholic’, then he replied to it.
Used to drink alcohol on the sets of Sholay!
Dharmendra is popular at 88 and prefers to stay grounded in his life. He is known for celebrating his life to the fullest and cherishing every moment. The ‘Yamla Pagla Deewana’ actor has been labelled a ‘piyakkar’ and ‘Bollywood’s biggest alcoholic’. He spoke about this. He also recalled the memories of drinking alcohol on the sets of ‘Sholay’ and said that one should enjoy life to the fullest.
When Dharmendra gulped down 12 beers of the cameraman
Actually, the actor was questioned about this during ‘Aap Ki Adalat’. Responding to this, he said, our cameraman Jim, who was working with us in ‘Sholay’, had a habit of carrying 5-6 bottles of beer. I would sit behind him and quietly drink from his stock. When the production people told him that he drank 12 bottles, he was surprised and said, how did this happen? One day he caught hold of me. He said, ‘You should enjoy life.’
Got the tag of ‘Biggest drinker in Bollywood’
He had also reacted to the ‘biggest drinker in Bollywood’ tag. He had laughingly said, ‘My liver is very strong!’ Though the actor does not drink alcohol anymore, he was once caught drinking on the sets of a film by co-star Mousami Chatterjee, he had confessed, ‘Beer peene ka dil kiya dopahar ko… I told her to make beer frothy.’ It looked like lassi. Mousami noticed this and said, ‘Aye, Dharmendra, ye kya peeta hai?’ I lied by saying that I was drinking lassi. She knew I was lying so she asked me, ‘Give me some too.’ I laughed out loud and admitted that I was enjoying my beer. ‘Beer peena se kuch nahi hota.’
Dharmendra doesn’t drink alcohol anymore
When the actor was asked why he quit drinking, he said, “I would quit for 6 months in between, play badminton and sweat it out and then start again. I am a bit of an extremist.” In 2010, he faced health issues, after which he quit drinking completely. His daughter Esha Deol said that she would never drink alcohol, even if it was for a film.
Tags: Dharmendra, Entertainment news.
FIRST PUBLISHED : August 8, 2024, 11:24 IST