Bathing Tips In Hindi Mix Theses Thigs With Bathing Water For Glowing Skin – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

Bathing Tips In Hindi Mix Theses Thigs With Bathing Water For Glowing Skin - Amar Ujala Hindi News Live
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Bathing Tips: Who doesn’t want their skin to always remain glowing, but due to the changing weather and bad lifestyle, many kinds of problems always remain with the skin of the people. To overcome these problems, many people go to parlors and take expensive skin care treatments. At the same time, many people use expensive skin care products available in the market.

Although in the market you will find something or the other for every problem according to your skin but if you do not want to spend a lot of money then you can also improve the complexion of your skin by adopting home remedies.

Here we will tell you about some such things, which you can add to the bath water to brighten your skin. You will not even need to spend a lot of money to buy these things. You will find all these things in your home itself. Let us tell you about these things without delay.

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Lemon juice

Lemon juice helps in making the skin glow. It contains vitamin C which brightens the complexion of the skin. Add 2-3 teaspoons of lemon juice to the bath water and then take a bath with this water. It reduces the blemishes on the skin.

Rose water

It is very common to find rose water in every home. This rose water makes the skin fresh and soft. It moisturizes the skin as well as improves its complexion. Add 4-5 teaspoons of rose water to the bath water and see its effect.


Milk contains lactic acid, which makes the skin light and soft. To use it, just add 1 cup of milk to the bath water. And take a bath with this water for a few days and see its effect.


Turmeric has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which make the skin clean and glowing. Especially now that the weather is also rainy, take a bath by adding a little turmeric powder to the bath water. This will not only improve your complexion, but will also get rid of many of your problems.

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