New Delhi. Bollywood actor Siddhant Chaturvedi is in the news for his upcoming film ‘Yudhra’. Malavika Mohanan will be seen with the actor in this film. Fans are eagerly waiting for this movie. Meanwhile, the makers have announced the release date of ‘Yudhra’. Along with this, a glimpse of the new posters of the film has also been shown, which has doubled the excitement of the fans.
In the solo poster, Siddhant Chaturvedi is seen soaked in blood, full of energy and determination. His intense look shows that there is going to be a lot of action in ‘Yudhra’. The second poster shows Siddhant and Malavika Mohanan together. Both are seen in intense and action mode. Fans are excited to see the strong chemistry of Siddhant Chaturvedi and Malavika Mohanan on the big screen for the first time.