New Delhi. Director Amar Kaushik is very happy with the great success of the horror-comedy film ‘Stree 2’. Now he has started preparing for his next film. Amar Kaushik told that the script of Varun Dhawan’s ‘Bhediya 2’ is almost ready. At the same time, the shooting of Ayushmann Khurrana’s vampire movie is going to start very soon, the title of which he has also revealed. During an interview with , Amar Kaushik talked about the film ‘Bhediya 2’. He said, ‘The script is not yet completely complete, but we have written the story and now we will work on the screenplay. I am not satisfied with some parts of the story, so we are currently working on it.’
Vampyar movie title revealed
When Amar Kaushik was asked about Ayushmann Khurrana’s vampire film, he gave information about the title and shooting schedule. He will produce this movie. Amar Kaushik said, ‘The title of the vampire film is Thamba. We will start shooting the film in the next 2 months.’ Varun Dhawan will be seen in the horror-comedy ‘Bhediya 2’, but it is not confirmed whether Kriti Sanon will be a part of the film or not.