New Delhi. Bollywood’s very beautiful actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan arrived on Monday (09 September) with her daughter Aaradhya Bachchan and mother Vrinda Rai to visit the prestigious GSB Seva Mandal Ganpati pandal in Mumbai. Like the past few times, this time too people’s eyes were looking for Abhishek Bachchan, but he was missing. Aishwarya’s visit to the Ganpati pandal without her husband Abhishek Bachchan once again fuelled the rumours of their divorce, which had been going on for a long time.
Ganeshotsav is being celebrated all over the country including Mumbai. Bollywood stars are visiting different Ganesh pandals to worship Bappa. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan also reached to worship Bappa. She visited Bappa with her daughter Aaradhya and mother Vrinda Rai. But as soon as she left after the darshan, she was surrounded by a crowd of people. During this, the wrinkle on her forehead was clearly visible.
Once again Aishwarya-Aaradhya were seen without Abhishek Bachchan
Recently, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan had reached her in-laws’ house ‘Jalsa’. Seeing her there, people thought that everything is fine now and now everyone will be seen together. But once again the fans were disappointed to see the actress alone. As soon as she came out of the pandal with her mother and daughter Aaradhya, she was seen surrounded by the crowd.
When the crowd surrounded
Seeing Aishwarya, people started capturing her on their cameras. A crowd of people surrounded her. During this, pain was visible on her face. It was difficult for her to handle mother and daughter Aaradhya alone.