New Delhi. Talented actor Ali Fazal, who made his mark by playing the character of ‘Guddu Bhaiya’ in ‘Mirzapur’, had completed his studies in places like Lucknow, Dehradun, Mumbai. In Mumbai, he joined St. Xavier’s College, from where he graduated in Economics. He started his acting career in 2008 with an English film called “The Other End of the Line”, in which he had a small role. After this, his role in the Bollywood film “Three Idiots” released in 2009 was not very big, but it gave him recognition in the industry.
Ali, who established his roots in the industry with the 2013 film ‘Fukrey’, was liked a lot in this film. His comic timing and natural acting in the film were highly appreciated by the audience. He also worked in films like “Bobby Jasoos”, “Khamoshiyan” and “Happy Bhag Jayegi”.
Played an important role in a British film
Ali Fazal also got a chance to act in the British film “Victoria and Abdul” released in 2017. In this film, he played the role of Queen Victoria’s servant Abdul Karim, which was highly praised by critics. Working with such iconic actresses as Judi Dench, Ali showcased his acting talent brilliantly. But he got his real recognition from the web series “Mirzapur” released in 2018.
Ali was impressed by a character in ‘Mirzapur’
He played the role of Guddu Pandit in the series ‘Mirzapur’. In the world of ‘Mirzapur’ where every character tells a story, the character of Guddu Pandit is the most liked character. On one hand he is the son of an ordinary family, on the other hand he is immersed in the world of crime. Ali Fazal lived this contradictory personality in such a way that he made it settle in the hearts of the audience.
‘Mirzapur’ gave a different identity
Through this character that oscillates between anger, love, revenge and helplessness, Ali showed that he is not limited to just comedy or romantic roles. After the success of Mirzapur, Ali’s popularity increased further, which established him as a strong actor.
Tags: Ali Fazal, bollywood news, Entertainment news.
FIRST PUBLISHED: October 15, 2024, 10:56 IST