New Delhi. Telugu superstar Allu Arjun spent a night in jail even after getting bail and then came out of jail early the next morning. As soon as he came out of jail, he first reached Hyderabad Geeta Arts with his father, where he met some famous film personalities. From here he again left for his home. Along with his fans, his family members were also eagerly waiting for Allu Arjun at his house. When ‘Pushpabhau’ reached home, the family gave him a grand welcome. This emotional welcome video of the family is going viral on social media.
Allu Arjun is trending on social media. After coming out of jail, not only his fans but also his family are very happy. Many videos of the grand welcome held at Allu Arjun’s house are going viral on social media. Let us show you a 3-minute video, watching which you too will become emotional.
Hugs children, wife becomes emotional
This video has been posted by news agency PTI. In this video, Allu Arjun is seen meeting his family. It can be seen in the video that as soon as Allu Arjun sees his son, he comes running and hugs him. Then his wife comes and gives him a loving hug and becomes emotional. Then the actor hugs his daughter and makes love. After this, Allu hugged and met every member of the family.
VIDEO | Telangana: Tollywood actor Allu Arjun (@alluarjun) reunites with his family after spending a day in jail. The family welcomes him as he arrives at his residence in Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad.#AlluArjun #Pushpa2
— Press Trust of India (@PTI_News) December 14, 2024