During the ongoing Apple Days Sale on Vijay Sales, huge discounts are being claimed on the latest iPhone 16 model as well as the 16 Pro Max model. The store has listed the base 128GB storage variant of iPhone 16 on its website at a discounted price of Rs 66,900, while Apple had launched it for Rs 79,900.
Similarly, iPhone 16 Plus The base 128GB variant is being sold for Rs 75,490, which is Rs 14,500 less than its original price of Rs 89,900. At the same time, iPhone 16 Pro is currently available for Rs 1,03,900 instead of Rs 1,19,000. Top-of-the-line-model iPhone 16 Pro Max There is also a bumper discount. Vijay Sales has listed it on its platform for Rs 1,27,650 instead of Rs 1,44,900.
If the customer is using a previous generation model, i.e. iPhone 15 If you want to buy it, then Vijay Sales has listed its base 128GB storage variant for Rs 57,490. The base variant of iPhone 15 Plus is being sold for Rs 69,300.
The offer is also on the older iPhone 13 model, whose base storage variant is being sold for Rs 43,900 instead of Rs 49,900.
At the same time, the base variant of Apple MacBook Air (M2) is being sold for Rs 89,890 instead of Rs 99,900. The base variant of the MacBook Pro (M4) is listed at Rs 1,52,900 instead of the original price of Rs 1,69,900.
The 9th generation iPad with 64GB storage is being sold for Rs 23,990 instead of Rs 32,900, while the 4th generation AirPods are listed for Rs 11,249 during Vijay Sales’ Apple Days Sale. Apple Watch Series 10 GPS 46mm is being sold for Rs 46,399, while its original price is Rs 49,900. There is a discount of about Rs 700 on Apple AirTag, after which it is listed at Rs 2,799.
Apple Days Sale Vijay Sales retail outlets as well as the company’s official website But it’s live. The sale, which started on December 29, will end on January 5, 2025. Talking about bank-based discounts, customers can avail cashback up to Rs 10,000 using ICICI, Kotak and SBI bank cards and EMI transactions. There are also additional benefits like no-cost EMI and exchange discount.