New Delhi. Aamir Khan’s daughter Ayra has recently shared a video with her husband Nupur. In this video, the special bonding of both is visible. She has shared this video on her Instagram story. Let’s see what is special in this video.
Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan’s daughter Ayra Khan got married to her long-term boyfriend Nupur Shikhare this year. Aamir Khan and his entire family enjoyed the couple’s wedding. Since marriage, Ayra often shares her videos with her husband. Now she has shared an unseen video on social media, in which she is seen getting cozy with her husband.
What is special in the latest video
Bollywood’s ‘perfectionist’ Aamir Khan’s daughter Ayra Khan shared a funny and cute video of her husband Nupur Shikhare and called him ‘cutie’. Ayra and Aamir’s official fitness trainer Nupur shared a reel video on her Instagram account, in which unseen footage of the lovebirds can be seen.