13 minutes agoAuthor: Gaurav Tiwari
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China 8 cases of HMPV virus like Corona which is causing havoc in India have been reported. Out of these, 6 cases have been seen in children below one year of age i.e. in infants. Whereas in the other two cases the age of the children is 7 years and 13 years.
The symptoms of this respiratory disease are similar to common cold or flu. However, in some cases its symptoms can also turn into bronchitis and pneumonia. Infants, small children, elderly and people with weak immunity are most at risk.
Seeing the increasing cases in China, the Indian government has become alert regarding this. The Union Health Ministry has issued guidelines to the states after reviewing the HMPV virus. They have been asked to increase surveillance on influenza and respiratory diseases.
so today ‘medical certificate‘We will know how much danger children are facing from HMPV virus. You will also learn that-
- What symptoms should one be cautious about in children?
- Can HMPV virus be fatal?
- What precautions should parents take?
- Dr. R.D. Srivastava, Principal Consultant, Pediatrics, Neonatology, Delhi
- Dr. Ankit Bansal, Consultant, Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases, Delhi
Newborn babies at greater risk
Neonatologist and pediatrician Dr. R. D. Srivastava says that if we look at the figures from all over the world, most of the cases of HMPV virus are found in children aged 4 to 6 months. In India too, most of the cases have been seen in children below 1 year of age.
Cases are also being reported among adults in China, but weak immunity is the biggest factor.

Do not ignore flu like symptoms in children
When infected with HMPV virus, normal viral-like symptoms are seen. Therefore, if small children have cold and fever, do not ignore it. Be sure to consult a doctor. If wheezing is heard in children’s breathing, then it can be a sign of HMPV infection. Apart from this, see in the graphic how other symptoms can appear:

don’t panic
Internal Medicine and Infectious Disease Consultant Dr. Ankit Bansal says that until it is clear that the HMPV virus has mutated and its new mutation is dangerous, there is no need to panic about this virus. The Government of India has also clarified in its review meeting that HMPV is not a new virus. It has been in existence in India and other countries for many years. So far, no very fatal situations have been seen due to this.
However, after media reports coming from China, many experts speculate that a new mutant of HMPV is infecting people there. It is more dangerous and contagious than before. Despite this, there is nothing to fear about it in India yet.

Respiratory diseases increase as cold increases
According to a study published in ‘Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology’, more cases of respiratory infections are reported in the cold season as compared to other seasons. Therefore, do not panic over the common flu-like symptoms of HMPV. However, it is not right to ignore it either. Therefore, definitely consult a doctor once. It would be better to try to prevent this.
There is no medicine for the disease, prevention is the main mantra.
No antibiotic or antiviral drug has yet been designed to fight the HMPV virus. No vaccine has been developed for this. In such a situation, prevention is the best way to deal with this virus. If there is a small child in the house then we should take special care.
Like Corona virus, HMPV virus also spreads through contact with an infected person. It can also spread by shaking hands with an infected person or touching any object infected with the virus. Therefore, like Corona, cleanliness and frequent hand washing are the main measures to prevent HMPV. Look at the graphic.

Some common questions and answers related to HMPV virus
Question: Can HMPV virus be fatal for children?
answer: Yes, the HMPV virus can be fatal. However, the truth is that this happens in very rare cases. HMPV virus has caused death in less than 1% of cases worldwide. Therefore there is no need to be afraid.
Question: Are all children facing serious problems due to HMPV virus?
answer: No, it is not so. The immunity of small children is not fully developed. Therefore, more cases of infection are being reported among them. Whereas complications are happening only to those children whose lungs are already weak. Apart from this, other infected children are showing symptoms like common cold.
Question: Is it necessary to give oxygen therapy to infected children?
answer: No, only children who develop pneumonia due to HMPV infection require oxygen therapy. However, there is no cause for concern in India at present. There is a need to take more care of children whose immune system is very weak.
Question: Apart from small children, who else should be more careful?
answer: Children under one year of age and the elderly need to be most careful about the HMPV virus. In fact, the immunity of small children is not fully developed and the immunity of the elderly is weakening. Therefore, they are at higher risk of infection with HMPV virus. ………………………… Also read this news of Sehatnama Sehatnama – Will the HMPV virus spread in China become an epidemic: Do we need to be afraid, Know the answer to every important question from the doctor

Five years after the Corona epidemic, a respiratory disease has again surfaced in China. The name of this new virus is Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV). News is going viral on social media that HMPV is wreaking so much havoc in China that there is a shortage of beds for patients. Read the full news…