New Delhi : Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt and their family welcomed the New Year of 2025 in Thailand. Many pictures and videos related to their holidays are now going viral on social media. Recently, Neetu Kapoor shared a heart-touching picture on her Instagram story, in which her daughter-in-law Alia and granddaughter Raha are seen in the background of a beautiful sunset.
In the picture shared by Neetu Kapoor on Instagram, Alia Bhatt is holding her daughter Raha in her lap. Both are sitting on a boat, and Alia is wearing glasses. This scene was full of peace and love in the beautiful background of sunset, which touched everyone’s heart.
Riddhima Kapoor shared a lovely picture with her family
Kapoor family member Riddhima Kapoor Sahni also posted a beautiful family photo from her Thailand trip on Instagram. In this picture, Alia and Ranbir Kapoor are smiling standing next to each other, while Ranbir is holding his daughter Raha in his lap. This picture became a symbol of family love and happiness.