Mumbai. Actress Sonam Khan is often seen praising the late Divya Bharti. Sonam’s film career was not very long, but in her 6-year film career, she worked with many big actors including Mithun Chakraborty, Govinda, Sunny Deol, Govinda, Amitabh Bachchan. During this time she also became friends with Divya Bharti. Sonam often praised Divya’s natural beauty and screen presence. Despite the tragic end of Bharti’s life and career, Sonam also talked about her impact on the film industry.
Sonam Khan says that Bollywood has suffered a great loss with the demise of Divya Bharti. Sonam has revealed her last conversation with Divya. Sonam told that she had her last conversation with Bharti a few days before she fell from the balcony of a fifth floor apartment in Versova on April 5, 1993.
Sonam Khan said in an interview to Bollywood Bubble, “Divya Bharti told me to look at the moon, and used to say that my child will be as beautiful as me. She was an actress with whom I had a very good relationship, and wherever she is, I hope she is happy. What more can I say?”
Divya Bharti would have been on top today: Sonam Khan
Sonam Khan said, “She was a very good girl. If she was alive today, she would have been on top. The accident that happened to her is heartbreaking. This should not have happened, but what can we do now?” Sonam also told that before Raveena Tandon, Divya Bharti was approached for the film Mohra. Mohra’s director Rajiv Rai is Sonam’s ex-husband.
Divya Bharti would have been a part of this blockbuster film
Sonam Khan said that due to the sudden death of Divya Bharti, this role went to Raveena Tandon. This film starring Akshay Kumar, Sunil Shetty and Naseeruddin Shah, which was released in 1994, was a blockbuster. Sonam also reminded that at that time it was very rare to have true friendship between actresses. On Friendship Day, Sonam shared an emotional post on her Instagram, paying emotional tribute to her late friends Sridevi and Divya Bharti.
FIRST PUBLISHED : August 19, 2024, 10:04 IST