Blinkit CEO, Albinder Dhindsa took to social media platform Post “Smartphones and feature phones will now be delivered in just 10 minutes. We have tied up with these companies for delivery of Xiaomi and Nokia’s best selling range in Delhi-NCR, Bengaluru and Mumbai,” he said. He told that this service will include delivery of iPhone 16, Redmi 13 5G, Redmi 14C and Nokia 105. More smartphones and brands will be added to it soon. Dhindsa said that customers will also get no-cost EMI facility on many of these handsets.
Recently, Blinkit had announced the launch of delivery service of laptops, printers, monitors and many other electronic products in just 10 minutes. Dhindsa had said, “We have laptops from HP, monitors from Lenovo, MSI and Zebronics and printers from Canon and HP. We are expanding our range of electronics. We have tie-ups with leading brands in this category ” The majority of these products will be delivered from Blinkit’s large order fleet. Dhindsa had said, “We will soon increase the number of brands and products.”
Earlier, Blinkit had started quick-response ambulance service in Gurugram. Its goal is to provide reliable emergency medical aid in urban areas. This service has been started with five ambulances. Ambulance booking can be done through Blinkit’s app. This service will soon be launched in other cities also. Late last year, Blinkit launched 10-minute food delivery app Bistro to compete with Zepto Cafe. The company achieved its highest ever per minute and hourly orders on New Year’s Eve. This segment has grown rapidly in the last few years.
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