New Delhi. Filmmaker Pritish Nandy is no more in this world. He died on Wednesday (January 8). Bollywood is in mourning after this news. Veteran Bollywood actor Anupam Kher shared a long post giving information about his demise. Bollywood celebs are saddened by the demise of Pritish Nandy, who was a filmmaker as well as a poet, writer and journalist. Everyone is paying tribute to him by remembering and sharing his experiences on social media. But the ‘Badhaai Ho’ actress refused to express grief over his demise. He not only abused her while writing No RIP. Rather, he also told the entire story behind it.
Anupam Kher informed about the demise of Pritish Nandy on his social media handle, calling him his best friend. He told how during his initial days in Mumbai, he was a support system for him (the actor) and a big source of strength for me. Neena Gupta commented on Anupam Kher’s post and clearly refused to condole the demise of Pritish Nandy.
Neena deleted the comment
Although Neena has now deleted the comments, the story due to which Neena had written all this is going viral.
What comment did Neena Gupta make?
Pritish Nandi accused of theft
Neena Gupta made a shocking comment on Anupam Kher’s post, which surprised everyone. He accused Pritish Nandi of theft. He wrote, ‘Do you know what he did to me and I openly called him a bastard. He had stolen my baby’s birth certificate and published it.
no RIP
He made another post and said- ‘So no RIP, you understood, and I have proof of it.’
Pritish leaked Masaba’s birth certificate!
Neena Gupta has mentioned this incident in an old interview. He had told that when Pritish Nandi was a journalist, he had stolen Masaba’s birth certificate. He had said, ‘They had stolen my birth certificate from the registrar’s office. I call him bastard. He (Pritish) sent someone. I used to live with my aunt so she went and collected the money. They said, come after a week, we will give you the birth certificate. When aunt arrived after a week, they said, some of your relatives took her away. The actress had further told that she knew someone who knew the person who took the certificate. It came to light that Pritish had sent it to someone and then wrote an article. Neena had told that she wanted to hide the fact from people that cricketer Vivian Richards is Misaba’s father. However, after that news it became the top gossip of Bollywood.
Tags: Neena Gupta
FIRST PUBLISHED: January 9, 2025, 15:19 IST