The Chang’e 6 mission had four main parts. These were – lunar lander, return capsule, an orbiter and a small rocket that went with the lander. China launched this moon mission on May 3, which reached the moon’s orbit after just 5 days.
On June 1, the Chang’e 6 mission’s lander touched down in the Apollo crater in the moon’s vast south pole – the Aitken basin. According to, the lander used a scoop and drill to collect about 4.4 pounds (2 kilograms) of samples. That material was put into a capsule that returned to Earth, carried to lunar orbit by a small rocket that went to the moon and then landed on Earth.
According to the US space agency NASA, the Chinese capsule started moving towards Earth around June 21. After its safe arrival on Earth, China’s moon mission has been successfully completed.
Even the Soviet Union and USA have brought samples, then how is this different?
Chang’e 6 mission is not the first mission that has brought samples from the moon to Earth. Soviet Union and USA have done this work before. Then how is China’s mission different? Actually, the part of the moon from which America and Soviet Union collected samples is always focused towards the Earth. For the first time, a country has collected samples from that part of the moon which is never visible from the Earth.