4 minutes agoAuthor: Shivakant Shukla
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Speak It is an art in itself, which has the ability to attract anyone towards itself. This art not only helps in communication but also reflects the personality and confidence of the person.
Many people are not able to impress people with their conversation. Sometimes this may even cause harm to them. This art of being able to present one’s views effectively is also very important for professional growth.
There are many reasons behind not being able to communicate effectively. This includes many things ranging from confidence to not speaking clearly. However, by making some changes in yourself, your conversation can be made impressive.
so today relationship In the column we will talk about ‘How to speak so that people listen to you.’ You will also know what are those things which make your conversation ineffective.

Why don’t people listen to you?
Some people knowingly or unknowingly make small mistakes while talking, which gives a bad impression. The person speaking does not even know that what he is saying is wrong. It is possible that you too make these mistakes while talking to others. These are the things which have a negative impact on conversation. See the graphic below-

How to speak so that people listen carefully
First of all, know that the better listener you are, the better speaker you can become. Therefore, make a habit of listening carefully to what the other person says. Apart from this, to make your conversation impressive, it is important to take special care of some things. Understand from the graphic below-

Now let us talk about the above points in detail.
Stay away from distractions during conversation
Watching TV or phone while talking causes distraction. If you are talking to a friend or family member who is busy with these things, you may find it difficult to express yourself.
In such a situation, when the other person is not busy in any work or such things, then speak at that time. You can also ask him when you can talk to him. This will make him listen to you carefully.
Also remember that do not use your mobile while talking. While speaking, concentrate completely on speaking only.
don’t twist things
Before saying what you want to say, prepare a summary and focus on the point. Have your say within the first 30 seconds of the conversation. With this, the person in front will listen to you with full attention. When you have something important to say, it is better to under-explain rather than over-explain. The more you say, the less people will remember.
keep positivity in things
Positive things attract more attention of people. Complaints, excuses and pessimistic talk should be avoided. Express your feelings without blaming the other person.
Talk based on facts, not gossip
Exaggerating a situation reduces your respect in the mind of the other person. Instead, focus on the facts and be as honest as possible. People are more willing to listen to information based on fact than baseless talk.
Don’t pretend, talk naturally
Don’t try to be too much during the conversation. Talk as you are. The sound should neither be too loud nor too slow. Speak comfortably so that you appear confident. People are more likely to listen when you’re friendly, calm, and confident.

pause and think during conversation
Taking slight pauses during conversations gives time to refocus and have a meaningful conversation. Whenever you share an idea in conversation, take a short pause. During this time, consider your next words and concentrate on what you are going to say now. This helps in presenting your point in the best way.
Show confidence in body language
Body language shows people that you have something important to say. During a conversation, stand straight, look forward and keep your face relaxed while talking.
Body language is an honest image of your emotions. So make sure that body language matches your words and intentions. If you speak honestly and use positive body language, people will believe that you are genuine.
maintain eye contact
Maintain natural eye contact with the person you are talking to. Maintain eye contact 50% of the time when you’re talking and 70% of the time when you’re listening. You appear more trusting and honest when you make eye contact.
listen carefully to others
When you listen to someone carefully, it inspires others to do the same. Be it a serious conversation with a family member or a discussion with some colleagues, try to listen to it. Pay attention to the other person and empathize with his or her perspective.
To get people to listen, you have to show them that you are also a good listener. Avoid interrupting the other person. Instead, show them you’re listening with small gestures. If you want them to respect your ideas then you should also give them the same respect.