12 minutes agoAuthor: Shashank Shukla
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Today In this era, there is a smartphone in every hand and internet is available to every person. It may seem cool to order food, order clothes from favorite fashion brands, watch a movie of your choice in just a few clicks, but the Internet also brings with it many dangers.
Are you aware that increasing digitalization is also bringing with it many dangers? The biggest victims of this are the teenagers in our families. With this digitalization, a new threat has also emerged, which is called cyber bullying.
Cyber bullying is a crime in which a person or group harasses another person mentally, emotionally or physically through the Internet and social media. Nowadays it is spreading rapidly among youth and children. Social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, X (Twitter) and Telegram have become ideal sites for these types of crimes.
today we relationship I will know that-
- What is cyber bullying?
- What could be the disadvantages of this?
- What are the ways to avoid this?

What is cyber bullying?
Internet and social media have an important place in our lives. While this digital world has many benefits, it also has some dark sides. One of these is cyber bullying. When a person uses the Internet, social media or any other digital medium to harm another mentally or emotionally, it is called cyber bullying. This is not limited to places like school or workplace, but can happen anywhere and anytime through smartphones and computers.
Difference between traditional bullying and cyber bullying?
In bullying we often see that the one who makes fun and harasses is the one in front. Usually both the victim and the culprit are known to each other. Cyber bullies are not visible. They can corner you on social media or messaging platforms without any fear. In one small mistake his words reach hundreds of people. It can happen at any time and any place.

How does a victim of cyber bullying feel?
If you or someone you know is a victim of cyber bullying, it is important to understand that it is not just a message or post. This is a wound that keeps growing from within. People who go through this may feel humiliation, anger, despair, and loneliness. Sometimes dangerous thoughts like suicide may also come to their mind. Cyber bullying can be a very painful experience.
Cyber bullying harms our mental health and emotional health. Sometimes it can cause us to be physically harmed. In such a situation, if you are also a victim of cyber bullying, then you can deal with it by adopting some tips.
Respond to Cyber Bullies the Right Way
If you are a victim of cyber bullying, do not react with anger or sadness. Whatever post is being written against you, no matter how derogatory or wrong it is, you should not react to it. Reacting may make the situation worse. The aim of a cyber bully is to hurt your feelings.

Ways to protect yourself from cyber bullying
You can make good friends to protect yourself from cyber bullying. Instead of making these friends on social media, make them in the real world, those from your school, college and family. Make friends with such people who support you in such troubles.
Share feelings: Talk to your close friends or family. Even if they can’t provide solutions, listening to them and sharing your feelings can boost your morale.
Make promising friends: Make friends with people who think like you. With such friends you can express your thoughts and make good friends.
Don’t blame yourself: You should never blame yourself during cyber bullying. In this, it is not you but the other person who is guilty.
Don’t harm yourself: Do not relive the cyber bullying incident again and again and do not harm yourself mentally.
Practice Body Positivity: Cyber bullying often involves body shaming. Teenagers are going through body changes during this time and they may feel upset.
Have positive thoughts: When a cyber bully criticizes your appearance, protect yourself from negative thoughts. Pay attention to your eyes, hair or your good qualities.
please accept: Accept what your condition is physically. Everyone has their own characteristics. It is normal that we all have some abnormalities.