13 minutes agoAuthor: Gaurav Tiwari
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Ear It is a very delicate organ. Like all organs, it is very important for it to remain healthy. At some point or the other, your ear might have felt itchy, you might have scratched it and the matter might have come and gone.
Do you know that excessive itching in the ears can also be a sign of hormonal fluctuations? Especially if there is itching in the inner part of the ear, then it can be a signal from the body that the estrogen level has decreased. Usually such a condition occurs at the time of menopause. During this period, the estrogen level in women’s body decreases significantly.
Estrogen is basically a sex hormone. It is mainly considered important for the sexual health and reproductive health of women. Although estrogen is also produced in men’s bodies, but in relatively smaller quantities.
Estrogen plays a very important role in the development of many organs of the body. It also maintains moisture and softness in all body parts. This is the reason why when the estrogen level decreases, the ears become dry and itchy.
so ‘medical certificate‘Today we will know how important estrogen is for us. You will also learn that-
- What signals does the body give when estrogen levels are low?
- What complications can occur when estrogen levels decrease?
- What should be done to maintain healthy estrogen levels?
How important is estrogen for the body?
Like all other hormones, estrogen is like a chemical messenger for the body. According to its message the body changes its functioning. Puberty and physical changes occur in females according to the message of estrogen. Apart from this, it is also necessary for many functions of the body.

What is the identification of low estrogen level?
Low estrogen levels may delay puberty in girls. There may be irregularities in periods. This may also affect fertilization. According to new studies, itching in the ears and dryness in the skin can also be a sign of low estrogen levels. What are its other symptoms, see in the graphic:

Can these problems occur due to low estrogen level?
Estrogen hormones are essential for many functions of the body including sexual and reproductive health. Low levels of it can lead to weak bones because it plays an important role in the development of bones and maintaining their density. Weak bones can lead to frequent bone fractures. This can also cause osteoporosis. What other problems can occur due to low estrogen level, see the graphic:

Some common questions related to estrogen and their answers
Question: Why does estrogen level decrease?
answer: Estrogen levels can decrease for many reasons. Generally it decreases during menopause in women. Low estrogen level may have the following reasons:
- Estrogen levels decrease with increasing age. It decreases significantly during and after menopause.
- If someone has a family history of low estrogen levels, they may also have this complaint.
- If someone has an eating disorder like anorexia, estrogen levels may be low.
- Doing too much exercise impairs hormonal balance. This may reduce estrogen levels.
- Estrogen level also decreases due to continuous weight loss.
- This condition can also occur due to cancer treatment.
- Pituitary gland disorders can affect the production of estrogen and its levels can decrease.
- Estrogen level can also decrease due to thyroid disorder.
Question: What to do if estrogen level is low?
answer: If the estrogen level has become very low and is causing physical and mental problems, then hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can be taken. Especially when the estrogen level becomes very low during menopause, then consulting a doctor and taking hormone replacement therapy can be a good option.
Question: What to do to keep estrogen level healthy?
answer: Controlling conditions related to hormonal imbalance is a difficult task. Despite this, we can keep estrogen levels healthy by adopting some health tips.
Adequate sleep is important: We should take 7 hours of sound sleep every day. By getting good sleep, the level of hormones necessary for the functioning of the body remains healthy.
Stress management is important: When stress levels increase, our body can increase the production of stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline. Due to these, imbalance can arise in the body and the production of estrogen can be affected.
Do appropriate amount of exercise: By doing appropriate amount of exercise every day, the functioning of our body remains under control. With this, our eating habits and fat also remain under control. This is important for better sleep. All these things are responsible for healthy estrogen levels. Therefore, do adequate amount of exercise. Too much exercise can also reduce estrogen levels.
Do not consume alcohol: Drinking alcohol can increase estrogen levels. Having very high estrogen levels for a long time can increase the risk of cancer. Therefore, do not drink alcohol at all or drink it in very limited quantities.
Take care of healthy eating: Our diet helps in balancing hormones. Therefore it is important that the food should be good. Eat sugary things as little as possible. Increase the amount of fiber and protein in food. For this, green fresh vegetables, fruits and pulses can be good options.
Consume healthy fats: The fat found in mustard oil, seeds and fish is good for health. Consuming these can help in balancing hormones.
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