There is no need to spend a lot of money to get the eyebrows set. This is why women get their eyebrows set at least once a month. Although getting the eyebrows set makes the look beautiful, but if the eyebrows are not set properly, it can also spoil your look. If you are also going to the parlor to get your eyebrows done, then keep some things in mind, so that your look is not spoiled.
If you are going to get your eyebrows set, then first of all, clean your face. Many times it happens that in a hurry, women get threading done even after applying makeup, due to this, there is a fear of spoiling the shape of the eyebrows. Along with this, there is also a fear of infection on the skin. Due to this, clean your face thoroughly before getting your eyebrows done.
Always decide the shape of the eyebrows according to the shape of your face. For this, you can take advice from an expert. Get your eyebrows set only after their advice. If you already know what kind of eyebrows look good on your face, then get them set accordingly. Never try something new without thinking, it can spoil your look.
When you go to get your eyebrows set, take care of hygiene. The thread or plucker being used during this should be thoroughly clean. If these are thoroughly cleaned, then the risk of infection is reduced.
If your eyebrows are thin and their growth is less, then avoid getting your eyebrows done frequently. This can affect their natural growth. Get your eyebrows done from time to time but keep in mind to avoid over-threading. This can affect the growth of the eyebrows.