New Delhi. Bollywood actor Vikrant Massey’s stardom is on cloud nine these days. His powerful performance in ’12th Fail’ was highly appreciated. After this, he appeared in a negative role in the movie ‘Sector 36’, which has been released on Netflix. Meanwhile, news has come that Vikrant Massey has been offered Ranveer Singh’s upcoming film ‘Don 3’. The makers have approached him for the role of the main villain. If everything goes well then Vikrant Massey can be a part of the movie.
According to the report of India Today, Vikrant Massey has been approached for the role of the main villain in ‘Don 3’. In this film, Vikrant will be presented as a villain opposite Ranveer Singh. Although this offer is tremendous, Vikrant has not yet agreed to it. Farhan Akhtar is making this film. The budget of the film is said to be Rs 275 crore.