New Delhi2 minutes ago
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The Finance Ministry has prohibited its employees from using AI tools such as Chat GPT and Dipcik. Employees will not be able to use the office device i.e. in devices like computers, laptops, tablets given by the ministry.
The order issued by the Expenditure Department on January 29 shows that this step has been taken due to the threat of confidential information leaking using AI tools. These orders will apply to all departments of the ministry.
This news has come to light at a time when CEO Sam Altman of Open AI is on a tour of India. He met several government officials on Wednesday morning. The ChatjPT has been developed by Open AI. Prior to this, countries like Australia and Italy have also done this.

ChatjiPT prepares your reply by reading hundreds of articles For example, if you published an article by writing an article, then this information will be available on the Internet. Similarly, after reading hundreds of articles, ChatjPT prepares its answers. It can be used for questions that take time to find answers.
You can use it by clicking on chat GPT by visiting the website of Open AI AI, but you should come to ask the correct question. Also, there should be knowledge of that subject. With this you will be able to decide whether the answer is correct or wrong.
If you want to learn rocket science then chat GPT is not the right choice. Of course it will tell you which angle rocket will run, but it will make it difficult to know the whole process.
Do not just copy-paste, understand the answer, it is very important to have a learning experience for its use because only then you will know whether the answer of the chat GPT is correct or not. Do not copy-paste the answer directly, but understand them.
Remember this is not the option of Google. Google is better for detailed information on any subject. But if you want to prepare notes immediately, then in this situation the chatjiPT is better than Google.
Students caution in using it Five It is being used in most engineering and software development fields in the country. Engineers can find solutions from ChatjPT in 2 minutes if there is any problem in coding. This increases the productivity of professionals but students should use it carefully.
For example, if you want to understand a small topic related to quantum physics, then you can use it but it is not right for homework because it will always depend on a software.