Hair Care Tips onion Juice Side Effects in Hindi – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

Hair Care Tips onion Juice Side Effects in Hindi - Amar Ujala Hindi News Live
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Hair Care Tips onion Juice Side Effects in Hindi

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Never add these things to onion juice – photo: istock

Onion juice side effects: Most people use onion juice to improve the deteriorating condition of hair. If onion juice is used properly, it is beneficial for hair growth and strength, but it can also damage hair if mixed with wrong things.

Often people know that onion juice is beneficial for hair, but they are unable to find out what is the right way to use onion juice. Due to this, we are going to tell you about some such things, which are not used by mistake by mixing it with onion juice. If you use these things then you may have to face a lot of problems.

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Hair Care Tips onion Juice Side Effects in Hindi

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Lemon Juice – Photo: Freepik

Lemon juice

Never mix lemon juice in onion juice and apply on the hair. Although lemon contains acid, which helps in removing dandruff but if you mix it with onion juice, it can cause hair damage. Both these things are of acidic nature, which can spoil the PH balance of the scalp. This can cause irritation, itching and dryness in the scalp.

Hair Care Tips onion Juice Side Effects in Hindi

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Vinegar – Photo: Adobe Stock


Onion juice should never be used by mixing vinegar. Vinegar and onion are acidic, which can cause scalp dry and irritate. If vinegar is stronger, it can burn the scalp. This can cause hair to break down and break more.

Hair Care Tips onion Juice Side Effects in Hindi

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Bleach – Photo: Adobe Stock


Some people use it to light hair color or color, but if you mix it with onion juice, it can cause scalp and hair too much damage. This can lead to feeling scalp burn (burning). Natural strength of hair can end and hair can become dry and dry.

Hair Care Tips onion Juice Side Effects in Hindi

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Salt – Photo: Adobestock


Some people add salt to exfoliate the scalp. But, do you know that a mixture of onion juice and salt can dry the scalp, which can make the hair fall more, because onion juice already has sulfur, and adding salt is more harmful by adding salt to it. Can This can cause irritation and itching on the scalp.

Disclaimer: The information given in this article is based on general information. The relevant article has been designed to increase the information and awareness of the reader. Amar Ujala does not claim any kind of information given in this article nor takes responsibility. Always consult an expert or your doctor for any more skin related information.

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