Healthy cooking oils; Good Fat vs Bad Fat Health Effects Explained | Sehthanama- Good fat, what is the difference between bad fat: what is the bad fat, know from the doctor which oil to eat for good health

Healthy cooking oils; Good Fat vs Bad Fat Health Effects Explained | Sehthanama- Good fat, what is the difference between bad fat: what is the bad fat, know from the doctor which oil to eat for good health
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8 minutes agoAuthor: Gaurav Tiwari

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Obesity is emerging as a major threat all over the world. Due to this, the risk of many dangerous diseases is also increasing. If we reduce the use of additional oil in our food only 10%, then not only the risk of obicity will be reduced, but heart health and digestive health will also improve. Recently, PM Modi also said this.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), obicity has become epidemic, ie a disease that is spreading very fast in the world. Due to this, 28 lakh adults are dying every year in the whole world due to diseases.

Obicity is not just oil or fat. Even fat is very important for the body. The problem is from poor fat, that is, which is getting fat refined carbs, sugar and edible oil.

so today ‘Sehthanama‘I will talk about good and bad fat. Will also know that-

  • What is the difference between good fat and bad fat?
  • What do you get good fat by eating things?
  • What can cause bad fat in the body increase?

Obesity figures worrying

According to WHO data, one in every 8 people in the world is troubled by obesity and this number is increasing rapidly. The risk of obesity in children has increased by 4 times. In the year 2022, around 250 crore people across the world were struggling with obesity. He said that this situation is worrying.

How important fat is important for the body?

According to Dietician Dr. Priya Paliwal, the two things that have been used the most in addition to water in our body formation are protein and fat-

Fat is not enemy

Dr. Priya Paliwal says that if you also think that fat is harmful to health, then it is not completely true. Understand it in easy language that there are two types of fat- good fat and bad fat. Good fat is necessary for health, while bad fat can cause many diseases.

Good fat required for health

Good fat provides necessary energy to the body, the heart remains healthy and increases good cholesterol (HDL). This also gives many other benefits to health-

Diseases due to bad fat

Bad fat increases the bad cholesterol (LDL) in the body and this can increase the risk of many diseases including heart disease. Skin and hair problems can occur. See all diseases in graphic-

What to eat for good fat?

Dr. Priya Paliwal says that if you want to be healthy then it is very important to include good fat in the diet. Fat is usually the best fat mixed with dry fruits and seeds. These things can be eaten for good fat-

  • Almonds: beneficial for heart and mind.
  • Peanuts: Beneficial in heart disease and diabetes.
  • Walnuts: beneficial for skin and bones.
  • Sunflower seeds: Immunity is booster.
  • Chia seeds: beneficial for skin and digestion.
  • Linseed seeds: beneficial for heart and brain health.
  • Coconut oil: beneficial for digestion and skin.
  • Mustard oil: beneficial for heart and bones.

Apart from this, if limited amount of milk, curd, cheese and ghee are eaten, then it is also beneficial.

What things do bad fat get?

Dr. Priya Paliwal says that everything that is locked in the packet and can be opened immediately, contains bad fat in it. If you buy chips or some salty when you feel hungry, then you are giving a lot of bad fat to your body and calling many diseases.

Apart from these, very fried things, processed food and junk food also contain bad fat. Due to these, obesity is growing so fast in the whole world. What things increase bad fat in the body, see-

  • French fries, burgers and pizza.
  • All sausage and processed meat.
  • Pakoda, Samosa and Kachori.
  • Cakes, cookies, donuts and pastries.
  • Chips and salty snacks.
  • Cold drinks and packed juice.
  • Refined oil and market butter.
  • Processed cheese and vegetation ghee.
  • Ice Cream and Chocolate.

Common questions and answers related to good fat and bad fat

Question: Is it healthy to eat mustard oil?

answer: Yes, eating mustard oil is healthy, but it is important to use it in a limited amount of and in limited amounts. It contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which helps to reduce poor cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (HDL). This keeps blood pressure under control and reduces the risk of heart diseases. It is considered beneficial for heart health, immunity and digestion. It also has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, which protect against infection.

Question: Is it healthy to eat ghee?

answer: Yes, ghee is beneficial for health. Along with this, the same condition is to eat it in limited quantity. Eating ghee increases immunity, improves digestion and also improves brain functioning.

Ghee contains omega-3 and omega-9 fatty acids, it improves heart health. It contains vitamins A, D, E and K, which strengthens bones and immune system. It is beneficial to eat 1-2 teaspoons i.e. 10-15 grams of ghee daily.

Question: Does heating the same oil repeatedly damage health?

answer: Yes, heating the same oil again and again can be very harmful. By heating the same oil repeatedly, it causes dangerous toxins, trans fat, hydrocarbons and free radicals, which are harmful to the heart, liver and digestive system. This can increase the risk of serious diseases like cancer.

Question: Which oil should be used in food?

answer: It is very important to use the right oil to cook food. This affects our heart and mind directly. Apart from this, it is also necessary for skin, hair and bones. These oils can be used to cook food-

  • Mustard oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Peanut oil
  • Olive oil
  • Ghee

These oils should not be used-

  • Refined oil
  • Palm oil
  • Vegetable Ghee

Read this news of health too, Sehtanama-BMI does not know obesity: Every 8th person Obes, WHO told the next epidemic, start losing weight from today itself

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