Home Remedy For Nail Care In Hindi In Monsoon Season – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

Home Remedy For Nail Care In Hindi In Monsoon Season - Amar Ujala Hindi News Live
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Nail Care Tips: When the rains start, everyone becomes very happy because this season makes it easy to go out of the house. People go out with their loved ones in this season. But, when the rain starts pouring continuously, it starts creating many problems.

Among these problems, skin and hair related problems are the most important. In such a situation, while taking care of hair and skin, we forget to pay attention to our nails. Whereas due to rain, nails also become weak and start breaking.

If your nails have also become weak due to continuous rain, then you can get rid of this problem by adopting some home remedies. Here in this article, we are going to tell you some tips to strengthen your nails and take care of them.

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Coconut Oil Massage

If your nails are getting weak, then massage them lightly with lukewarm coconut oil every night before going to bed. This nourishes the nails and the skin around them. This makes the nails stronger.

Lemon and Olive Oil

This mixture strengthens the nails and makes them shiny. To use it, mix a few drops of lemon juice in 1 teaspoon olive oil and apply it on the nails.

Apple Cider Vinegar

You can use it to increase the strength of nails. To use it, mix vinegar in water and dip the nails for 10-15 minutes and then wash it. Apple cider vinegar contains vitamins and minerals that strengthen nails. You can also use it to strengthen toenails.

Almond Oil

For weak nails, massage your nails with almond oil every day. Almond oil contains vitamin E which helps strengthen nails.


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