5 minutes agoAuthor: Shashank Shukla
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every There are occasions in human life when he feels the need for someone’s help. Whether it is to face any difficult situation, workload or mental stress.
Man is a social creature. Asking for help while in the group is a normal human need. However, in our society, it is often seen to be associated with weakness. Often people see that ‘I do not like to ask for help, even if my work remains incomplete.’ Or ‘Why should I help someone!’
Due to such taboos created by the society, people hesitate to seek help. At the same time, some are unable to ask for help due to shame or any other reason.
In such a situation, today we Relationship I will know that-
- Why is there a need to ask for help?
- Why do people not ask for help?
- What are the benefits of timely helping help?

Why are they not able to ask for help?
The biggest reason is hesitant to ask for help. At the same time, it is also the perception that this will raise questions on our ability or self -sufficiency. People think that if they ask for help, their image will deteriorate. Especially in the office, where everyone has an eye on the performance, it seems even more difficult to ask for help from someone.
On thinking of asking for help, many times it feels that the person in front will consider us weak or disqualified. The biggest reason for this is our upbringing and the environment around us.
Where we grow up, people do not have the feeling of helping each other or in such places people see helping help with weakness. This thinking prevents us from asking for help.
Why do you feel afraid and hesitant while asking for help?
Asking for help sounds like accepting our failure or deficiency. Especially when we have been taught from childhood that it is not a good habit to ask for help.
In such a situation, seeking help causes hesitation and it can cause self-doubt within us. Many times we think that if I ask for help in completing this project, then the boss will consider me inferior? ‘ Or ‘If I asked for help in handling children, will people consider me a bad mother?’
How to overcome it?
Many times we are hesitant and scared to ask for help. However, we can deal with it by taking care of small things. Let us understand it through graphic.

Change thinking
Asking help is not weakness, but a task of courage. This shows that you want to solve the problem and are honest about your work.
Choose the right person
Choose the right person to ask for help. Ask for help from someone who is reliable and helpful. Stay humble while asking for help.
Keep clarity
Keep your point clearly while asking for help. Tell the person in front of which work you need his help.
Does asking for help harm self-esteem?
Not at all, but seeking help can increase self-esteem. Taking someone’s help shows that you recognize your boundaries and are ready for improvement. People consider you more intelligent than other people when asking for help.
Asking help is not weak, it is a work of courage
Help from someone is not an indication of weakness at all, but it is a task of courage to ask for help. This is an indication that you are not running away from your problem, but taking the right steps to solve it. This shows your ability to solve your problem and mental strength.
Who and how should help help?
Before asking for help, decide who can understand your problem well and solve it.
In office
If there is a problem in any office work, talk to your boss. Tell them about the problem and explain that you need their help, so that the work can be done in a better way.
At home
While asking for help from your partner, tell the problem openly. Also tell what you expect or do from them. Like, ‘I think I get very tired while doing household chores. Can you take responsibility for cleaning or cooking utensils? ‘
For mental health
If you are mentally disturbed, not feeling good for a long time then friends, talk to the family about it. Explain your feelings openly and seek the help of a counselor.
How to ask for help in office?
While asking for help in the office, many people understand that this will reveal their weakness. While the purpose of asking for help is to do the work better.
Explain the problem openly
‘I am finding it difficult to understand this project. Can you explain some of its important points to me? ‘
Be comfortable
Do not panic while asking for help. Understand that you are part of the team and the goal of all the team members is the same.
Be humble
‘I see that you use this tool well. Can you teach me this? ‘

Extend hands to help
Just as you hesitate to ask for help, so many people would hesitate to ask for help from you. If someone is hesitant to ask for help from you and you know about it, then help him. Try to always be ready to help the needy. However, during this time take care that you are not harmed.
Asking for help is not weakness. This shows that you are ready to improve your life. The next time you need help, ask for help without hesitation because asking for help is an art that everyone should learn.
(Tagstotranslate) How to Ask for Help (T) Effective Ways Request Help (T) Relationship (T) Mental Stress (T) Easy Ways to Ask For Help (T)
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