{“_ID”: “679b32920e4Deeb45d0c9eee”, “slug”: “How-to-Curl-Hair-HHEATINONTING-tools-in-in-hindi-bina-bina-bina-baal-baal-curly-curly-kurly-kaare-kaare-kaare-2025-01-201- 30 “,” Type “:” Photo-gallery “,” status “:” Publish “,” Title_hn “:” How to curl hair: Do the hair without a machine without any machine, these are curls, these are its easy ways “,” Category “: {” title “:” fashion “,” title_hn “:” fashion “,” slug “:” fashion “}}
If you want to curl hair with any heating tool, then here we are going to tell you its easy ways.

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Make hair like a machine without any machine – photo: Adobe Stock
Heating tools are used to make such changes in hair, which causes them a lot of damage. In such a situation, here we will tell you some easy ways to curl hair without machine. These methods do not use any kind of machine, due to which there is no risk of their damage. If you also want to make hair curly without any machine, then follow these tricks.

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Curl from the top – Photo: Adobe Stock
This is the easiest way to curl hair. For this, tie light wet hair in 2-4 thick peaks before going to bed at night. Open hair in the morning and solve it with fingers with light hands. This will lead to natural wavy and soft curls. For better results, apply a little serum or mousse to the hair before making the peak.

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Use plastic tools – Photo: Adobe Stock
For this, divide the hair into small parts. Roll the hair using a plastic tool in every part. Open after a few hours and set the spray. Keep in mind that you cannot use it at night, otherwise there will be trouble in sleeping.

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Curl to Curl – Photo: Adobe Stock
Roll a long piece of old nudes or T-shirts and make it like a headband. Wrap the hair lightly and wrap it and leave it for the whole night. You will get beautiful, big curls in the morning. If your hair is long then this is a good way.

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Curl from Silicon Roller – Photo: Adobe Stock
Silicon roller is available at a very low price in the market. To use it, wet the hair lightly and fold the hair with a roller. Leave it for 5-6 hours or overnight. Open the roller in the morning and set it with fingers.
(Tagstotranslate) Hair curling tips
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