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Homemade lip balm – Photo : Adobe stock
There are many ingredients found in lip balm which can harm the lips. For this reason, we are going to tell you an easy way to make lip balm at home. If you prepare lip balm at home, not only will it be chemical-free, but there will also be no risk of any side effects. So let us tell you how to make lip balm without any delay.

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Ingredients for making lip balm – Photo : Adobe stock
lip balm making ingredients
- Coconut oil – 1 teaspoon
- Beeswax – 1/2 teaspoon
- Essential oil (like lavender) – 2-3 drops

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Method – Photo: iStock

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Method – Photo : Freepik
If you want to make a scented lip balm, add 2-3 drops of essential oil in it. Mix it well.

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Lip Balm – Photo : Adobe stock
Immediately pour the prepared mixture into a small container or an old lip balm box. Leave it for 1-2 hours to cool and set. After the lip balm has set, store it with a lid. Apply on lips if needed.