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Get glowing skin with homemade rose water – photo: Adobe Stock
How to make rose water: Rose water is an ancient beauty secret, which has been used for centuries for skincare and health benefits. It provides freshness, moisture and glow to the skin as well as many health and hair care benefits. This is the reason that now women also use rose water instead of toner. The use of this makes the skin blossom very much.
In summer, the problem of rashes, acne and dry skin increases on the face. In such a situation, rose water also benefits from these problems. Although rose water is available in the market, but if you want, you can also make rose water at home. Here we are going to tell you its two methods

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1. Steam Distillation Method – Photo: Instagram
To prepare it, you will need 1 cup of fresh rose petals, 2 cup distilled water, a large pot and glass bottle.

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Method of Create – Photo: Adobe Stock
Wash the rose petals thoroughly and put it in a big pot. Now add distilled water to it, but do not add too much water. Put a small bowl in the pot and place another bowl over it. After this, cover the pot and keep the lid upside down and heat the water on low flame. After 30-40 minutes, rose petals will leave the color and the steam will gather in the top bowl. Finally store this assembled water, this is pure rose water.

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Rose – Photo: Freepik
2. Recipe for boiling (instant method)
For this, you will need a cup of fresh rose petals and 2 cups filtered water.

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Method of preparation: – Photo: Adobe Stock
Method of preparation:
To make rose water in an instant manner, add rose petals and water to a pot. Boil on low flame until the color of the petals becomes lighter. After cooling, filter it and store it in a glass bottle. Keep it in the fridge and use it within 1-2 weeks.
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