6 minutes agoAuthor: Manisha Pandey
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Our 60% of the body is water. In order to work in the manner of this machine of body, it is necessary that every cell of it continues to get sufficient amount of water and oxygen at all times. The body remains hydrated i.e. there is no lack of water in the body.
Hydration has a central role in almost all activities that are happening for 24 hours within the body. If you have enough water in your body-
- Body temperature will be normal.
- The digestive system will remain healthy.
- Blood circulation will continue in a manner.
- The process of destruction of damaged body sales and new sales will continue.
- The work of removing the waste from the body will continue to be done smoothly.
- All body organ will continue to do their own work.
This is a matter of adequate hydration. But what is, when enough hydration turns into excess hydration. In the language of science, it is called overhydration or hyponateria.
You must have often heard people say that drinking water is good for health. A lot of water should be drunk. There are disadvantages of drinking less water, but no loss of drinking too much water.
But this is not true.
There is a book- ‘Waterlogged: Serious Problem of Overhydration in Endunce Sports.’ The author of this book is Professor of Division of Exercise Science and Sports Medicine at Dr. Timothy Nose Cape Town University. He writes- “Overhydration can be more dangerous than dehydration at times. Keeping the body hydrated does not mean that we keep drinking water throughout the day. Our kidney has the ability to process a certain amount of water in 24 hours. More water than that can accumulate in the kidney and body and create a condition of hyponatrimia. ”
According to a water toxicity study published in the National Library of Medicine in 2023, overhydration can reduce the amount of electrolytes in the body. This is called hyponateria in the language of science.
See in the graphic below that its symptoms and signs-
What causes hyponateria or overhydration
There can be two major reasons for this-
1- Either you are drinking too much water.
2- Or your kidney is retaining water.
Dr. Timothy tends says that due to both reasons, there may be water toxicity in the body. It is also called water poisoning. In this, the amount of water in the body becomes so high that the kidney is not able to filter it and remove it from the body. In hyponateria, the body’s essential electrolytes dissolve in water and start coming out of the body.
Before moving forward, it is important to understand what these electrolytes are, which get out of the body by drinking too much water.
What are electrolytes?
According to the Medicine Dictionary of Harvard Medical School, electrolytes are small mineral substances dissolved in water. These work to balance the chemical reactions of our body, within and out of the cells. Their imbalance can cause many types of disorders in the body.
These have four main elements in electrolytes-
- Sodium
- Magnesium
- Potassium
- Calcium
If the amount of sodium i.e. salt in the body is very low, then the water enters within the cells and inflammation in the hands and feet and the inflammation within the body also starts.
How to know that you are overhered
Dr. Timothy tends says that if the symptoms of hyponatrimia in your body have become acute, doctors will have to test to detect it. But we can normally find out by using a small experiment at home that we are over or under hydrated.
For this, we have to check the color of our urine.
Under hydrated urine- Look at it after ignition. If the color of urin is thick yellow then it means that your body is dehydrated. You are not drinking enough water.
Over hydrated urine- If the color of urine is like absolutely transparent water, then it means that you are over hydrated. You are drinking excess water and electrolytes with water are also going out of the body through the kidney.
Normal hydrated urine- The color of normal urine is light yellowing. Neither transparent, nor thick yellow.
In the graphic below, see how we can understand over or under hydration with the color of urin.
How much water we should drink
Water requirement depends on many factors. Such as-
- Gender
- Age
- Country
- Season
- Geographical location
- Physical activity
- If a woman is pregnant or getting breastfeed
Understand the graphic below how much water you should usually drink.
Apart from this, the body needs to drink more water in these conditions too-
Weather or High Altitude- If you live at a height of more than 8200 feet above sea level, then you need to drink more water.
If you do heavy workouts- According to the American Council of Exercise, if you do the workout, you should drink 500 to 600 ml of water two-three hours before the workout. Apart from this, more water should be drunk even after heavy workouts.
On having fever or diarrhea- If there is fever, vomiting or diarrhea, then more water should be drunk than normal. In this case, extra electrolytes can also be taken.
Hydration of the body is not just dependent on water
Dr. Timothy writes that the balanced hydration of the body does not depend on the amount of water just. He is also dependent on our lifestyle. The body dehydrate is not just due to less water, but for many reasons.
Understand from the graphic below which things dehydrate our body-
Whether it is nature or our health, balance is the most basic thing. Therefore, do not overpow anything. Avoid dehydration and also overhydration. Check your urine color and always be healthy. ,
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