New Delhi. The marriage of Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal was one of the biggest news of this year. The couple got married in the month of June. Meanwhile, news came that Sonakshi Sinha’s brothers Luv and Kush were against the marriage and that is why they did not participate in the wedding ceremony. Now Shatrughan Sinha gave his reaction in this matter. He said that he supported his daughter Sonakshi in the decision of marriage and will continue to do so in future also.
During a conversation with Retro Lehren, Shatrughan told Sinha that he supports the marriage of his daughter Sonakshi Sinha. He said, ‘I will support my daughter. I have no reason not to do so. This is their life and their marriage, they have to live their life. If they are sure about each other, then who are we to oppose?