New Delhi. Famous filmmaker Boney Kapoor has lost a lot of weight in the recent past. Apart from this, he has also got hair transplant done. Recently Boney Kapoor became emotional remembering his late wife Sridevi. He told that Sridevi always wanted him to lose some weight. Boney Kapoor says that even today his wife is around, who inspires him to lose weight.
During a conversation with News18 Showsha, Boney Kapoor told that he has lost about 13 kg weight in the last few months. He said, ‘It all started when I started losing weight. I decided to lose weight and when I lost about 13-14 kg, I thought my shape was better than before. Now my weight has become 94-95 kg. Considering my height I should be around 87-88 kg. I still have to lose about 8-9 kg more.
Inspired for healthy lifestyle
Boney Kapoor revealed that even though he decided to lose weight after watching himself in ‘Tu Jhoothi Main Makkar’, it was actually his wife who has always inspired him to lead a healthy lifestyle. He said, ‘When I shot for Tu Jhooti Main Makkar, I did not lose weight at that time. I was in my true form. After the shoot, I decided to lose weight because whenever I saw myself on screen, I did not like my looks. Perhaps I was playing the character that was asked of me.
How did the weight loss start?
He further said, ‘Still I felt that I was not looking on screen the way I wanted. This is where the idea of losing weight came from, but it was my wife who initiated it. She always told me to lose weight, she herself was very health conscious. I used to go for walks with him, I also used to go to the gym with him.
Boney Kapoor remembers wife Sridevi
Boney Kapoor told, ‘Sridevi was very clear about when she had to eat and what to eat. I tried my best, but I could not succeed. For the last two years, when I looked at myself after the film Tu Jhoothi Main Makkar, I felt that me and my children also wanted me to be thinner and better looking. I needed it from health point of view also. I am 69 years old today, so I am not getting any younger.
Boney feels Sridevi’s presence
Boney Kapoor said that if Sridevi were alive today, she would have been very happy to see her body transformation. He told, ‘I feel that she is still around me, my wife is still around me and is motivating me to lose weight. The doctor has also said that you should lose weight before thinking about transplant. I have lost a few kilos and some hair has also come back.
Tags: bollywood news, Boney Kapoor, Entertainment news., Sridevi Bungalow
FIRST PUBLISHED: December 21, 2024, 13:20 IST