New Delhi. Meenakshi Sheshadri has been a top heroine of the Bollywood industry. Her pairing with Sunny Deol and Vinod Khanna has been a hit. She debuted with the film ‘Painter Babu’ in 1983 and then became a star with her second movie ‘Hero’ released in the same year. After this, Meenakshi Sheshadri never looked back. Recently, the actress spoke openly about her kissing scenes in Yash Chopra’s ‘Vijay’ and Sunny Deol’s ‘Daakait’.
During an interview with Lehren Retro, Meenakshi Sheshadri told that she has done most of the films of her career with Anil Kapoor. Along with this, she also remembered her controversial kissing scene in the film ‘Vijay’. Meenakshi Sheshadri said, ‘I was able to do the kissing scene in the film because of Yash ji (Yash Chopra) and Anil Kapoor. Both are very professional and I knew that the kissing scene in the film is going to look very good. It will not look weird or cheap.’