Mumbai. Bollywood celebs have started immersing Ganpati Bappa. Shilpa Shetty immersed Bappa a day later and asked for her wish from Bappa before immersion. At the same time, the model and actress looked very happy during Ganpati immersion. She immersed Bappa while dancing and singing. Also, she told what wish she had asked for. Sherlyn told that she wants to become a mother at this stage of her age. For this, she will adopt the path of surrogacy or adoption. However, she did not talk about marriage.
Sherlyn Chopra said during a conversation with Instant Bollywood, “I asked Bappa for the blessing of becoming a mother. I had been wishing for many years that I would become a mother, either through adoption or surrogacy. And now it seems that I will soon get this blessing.”