New Delhi. Mrunal Thakur is an actress who shows her acting skills in Bollywood films as well as in South. Recently, her statement created a stir in which she made a statement about cricketer Virat Kohli, in which she talked about her love for Virat. This statement was made during the promotion of the film ‘Jersey’. When she again came into the headlines with her own statement about Virat, the actress got angry. She has now also reacted on this matter.
As much as Mrunal Thakur expresses her thoughts lovingly, she also reacts harshly when she is upset with something. Recently, she came into the limelight for one of her old statements in which she talked about ‘one-sided love’ for Virat Kohli. She is very upset with the 5-year-old video going viral again.
How the matter started
Actually, Instant Bollywood page has shared a post in which a cutout of Virat Kohli’s picture is placed along with Mrinal Thakur’s picture. Mrinal Thakur’s statement is written in the same post. According to the report, Mrinal Thakur once had deep feelings for Virat Kohli and this thing is becoming quite viral on social media. It was said that Mrinal Thakur was very impressed with Virat Kohli’s cricket and his personality. It has been claimed that Mrinal was so much in love with Virat that she became crazy about him.
When the video went viral, he reacted again
As soon as this news came on the internet, people made many comments about it and started discussing it. This post has been re-shared on Reddit with Mrinal’s comment. Amidst the viral news, now Mrinal Thakur has broken her silence and given her side on this matter. Through a post on social media, she denied this rumor and appealed to the Instagram channels who ran this news to stop it. Mrinal wrote in the comment, ‘Stop it OK’. It is clear from Mrinal’s statement that she is very angry with this news going viral.
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