New Delhi. Namrata Shirodkar, who has worked with many actors including Akshay Kumar, Sunil Shetty, Ajay Devgan, is now completely away from the world of films. Mahesh Babu’s wife Namrata started her career with modeling. She was also Miss India, but her career in Bollywood was a huge flop. In her career of 6 years, almost all the films of the actress were flopped badly at the box-office, after which she left the industry after marrying Prince of Tollywood Mahesh Babu.
Namrata Shirodkar had revealed in an old interview given to Telugu YouTube channel Prema that she was very scared before marrying Mahesh Babu and due to this fear, she had also put a condition in front of the actor. The actress had told Mahesh Babu that after marriage, she would live with him in an apartment in Hyderabad for a few days before shifting to her bungalow.
The actress had said, ‘I had made it clear that after marriage we would first live in an apartment because I was from Mumbai and I did not know how I would fit in these huge bungalows. I was scared so he started living with me in an apartment. My condition was that if I come to Hyderabad, I will live in an apartment.
Life changed after marriage
The actress had further told in this interview that her life has completely changed after marrying the Telugu superstar. Mahesh Babu and Namrata Shirodkar dated for 5 years before marriage. The couple got married in the year 2005. The couple welcomed their son in 2006 and six years later, in 2012, a daughter was born to the couple.
Tags: Entertainment news., Mahesh Babu, Namrata Shirodkar
FIRST PUBLISHED: September 29, 2024, 14:15 IST